Since I first estimated Iran’s hyperinflation at 69.6% per month, many people have asked, how long will it last? To answer that question, I have posted my “Hanke Chart of the Day” and will let the data speak for themselves.

Media Name: HK-Table-for-blog.png

On second thought, perhaps I should offer some “tweet-able” hyperinflation-duration takeaways:

  • The average duration of hyperinflation is roughly 12 months.
  • The longest duration of hyperinflation is 58 months (4 years and 10 months), which occurred in Nicaragua from June 1986 until March 1991.
  • The shortest duration of hyperinflation is one month (see numbers 46–57).

When it comes to Iran and the probable duration of its hyperinflation, the specter of “a horrible end” or “a horror without end” comes to mind.

For the latest news on Iran’s hyperinflation, follow my Twitter: @Steve_Hanke