Washington Post Columnist Courtland Milloy says he isn’t falling for Obama’s gun control proposal. Here’s an excerpt from his column today:

Politicians would do well to learn how the real war on gun violence is being fought. For example:

In federal court last week, 23-year-old Ezra Griffith was convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. D.C. homicide detectives had confiscated a 9mm Glock with an extended 30-round magazine during a search of Griffith’s apartment in Southeast Washington. The U.S. Attorney’s Office successfully prosecuted the case.

Another gunman off to jail. Another gun off the streets. That’s how it’s done. Go after the criminal. Take his illegal gun. Leave everybody else alone.

The proposed national gun control legislation would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase guns — and, if passed, would surely be hailed as a victory over the “gun lobby.” But it would do nothing to curb gun violence where the problem is at its worse — in black neighborhoods. Nor would it do much to stop the kind of carnage that occurred in Newtown last year.