An excerpt from David Goldhill’s new book, Catastrophic Care: How American Health Care Killed My Father – And How We can Fix It:

I’m a Democrat and once held views about health care common in my party. But the more I’ve looked at our system, the more I’ve come to believe that the obsessions of our political debate – universal access, health insurance regulation, cost control – are irrelevant to the real problems that have created our mess…

[T]he frustrating reality is that despite more than sixty years of government efforts – representing the work of both political parties – we are moving further and further away from what we want. Prices are higher, more people are excluded from needed care, more excess treatments are performed, and more people die from preventable errors. Why?

Goldhill explains why at a book forum on Catastrophic Care this coming Wednesday, September 18, from 12–1:30pm at the Cato Institute. Click here to register.