Betcha didn’t know that January 28th is Data Privacy Day. That’s the day on which it’s customary to give gifts of cash and money to your favorite privacy advocate. No, not really. Though Hallmark hasn’t gotten a hold of it, it is a day on which some extra attention gets paid to privacy issues.

I’ll be speaking at two events coinciding with Data Privacy Day. On Wednesday, I’ll be speaking at the 2010 Internet Data Privacy Colloquium put on by a group called Dialogue on Diversity. Register here.

And on Thursday I’ll be speaking at an event put on by the Future of Privacy Forum called “Online Privacy: Your Reputation is ON the LINE.” (Get it? “ON the LINE”? Online? We’re talkin’ computers, folks.) You can register for it on the event’s page.

There you have it! Data Privacy Day! The one day this year, among many, that you should lavish your favorite privacy expert with gifts and praise. And gifts.