Here are links to the latest polls and public opinion studies:
June 26, 2016

  • CBS polls of likely voters show Clinton narrowly leading Trump across a number of key states of Florida (44 to 41 percent); Colorado (40 to 39 percent); Wisconsin (41 to 36 percent) and North Carolina (44 to 42 percent). North Carolina has flipped back and forth between the parties in the last two elections.

ABC/​Washington Post

June 26, 2016
In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

  • Two-thirds of Americans see Trump as biased against groups such as women, minorities, or Muslims. Sixty-four percent of respondents say Trump is unqualified to serve as president, a new high, and 34 percent say he is qualified.

Wall Street Journal/​NBC

June 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton Holds 5‑Point Lead Over Donald Trump, Latest Poll Finds

  • Half of registered voters (50 percent) said they were concerned the government would go “too far” in curtailing the people’s right to own guns while 47 percent said they worry the government would not do enough to regulate the ability to get guns. Forty-two percent of those polled had a positive image of the NRA, while 36 percent viewed the group negatively.

American Enterprise Institute:
June 23, 2016
Report: Public opinion on affirmative action Karlyn Bowman and Eleanor O’Neil

  • Americans generally support “affirmative action” in employment and education, but oppose “preferential treatment.”
  • Highly religious white Protestant Republicans are no more likely to view Trump favorably than are white Protestant Republicans who are moderately or not religious. In contrast, while he was still in the race, former candidate Ted Cruz’s appeal was significantly higher among highly religious members of this group than among those who were less religious.


June 24, 2016
In U.S., Slim Majority Confident About Financial Future

  • Fifty-three percent of respondents were “very” or “somewhat” confident about financial future compared to 46 percent who report feeling at least somewhat insecure about their financial future, including 17 percent who feel “very” insecure. Lower-income Americans report being the most financially insecure: 37 percent of those making below $30,000 a year reported feeling “very insecure.”
Public Policy Polling (PPP)
June 24, 2016

  • Only 28 percent of voters think HB2 (also known as the Charlotte Bathroom Bill) is helping North Carolina, whereas 52 percent think it’s hurting the state. Voters feel the law it’s having an adverse effect both on the state’s economy (49 percent say it’s having a negative impact, only 10 percent say it’s having a positive one) and on the state’s national reputation (50 percent say it’s having a negative impact, only 19 percent a positive one.)

June 27, 2016
Most Voters Don’t See Love As Answer to Terrorism

  • Fifty-three percent of Americans disagree with Loretta Lynch that love is the best response to terror incidents like the one in Orlando.

Portland Press Herald
June 25, 2016
MAINE: Charts: Portland Press Herald/​Maine Sunday Telegram poll results

  • Governor Paul LePage suffers from low favorability. Just 36 percent or respondents view him favorably whereas 59 percent hold unfavorable opinions.

June 23, 2016
Report: How Immigration and Concerns about Cultural Change are Shaping the 2016 Election | PRRI/​Brookings Survey Betsy Cooper, Ph.D., Daniel Cox, Ph.D., E.J. Dionne Jr., Rachel Lienesch, Robert P. Jones, Ph.D., William A. Galston

  • The general public is evenly divided over whether American culture and way of life have mostly changed for the better (49 percent) or changed for the worse (50 percent) since the 1950s. White working-class Americans (62 percent) and white evangelical Protestants (70 percent) are among the most likely to believe that American culture and the American way of life has changed for the worse since the 1950s. Approximately eight in ten Republicans (79 percent) and Trump supporters (83 percent) believe the values of Islam are at odds with the American way of life. This view is shared by a majority (54 percent) of independents and less than half (42 percent) of Democrats. A majority (55 percent) of Democrats say Islam does not conflict with American values.
Pew Research
June 22, 2016

  • For the first time in surveys dating back to 1992, majorities in both parties express not just unfavorable but “very unfavorable” views of the other party. And today, sizable shares of both Democrats and Republicans say the other party stirs feelings of not just frustration, but fear and anger. More than half of Democrats (55 percent) say the Republican Party makes them “afraid,” while 49 percent of Republicans say the same about the Democratic Party. Among those highly engaged in politics – those who say they vote regularly and either volunteer for or donate to campaigns – fully 70 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of Republicans say they are afraid of the other party.
Sam Henick contributed research to these polling links.