This week we are introducing a new feature on the blog where we provide links to the day’s latest polls and public opinion studies available:
June 27, 2016

  • 59% of Republicans approve of #Brexit; only 17% of Democrats and 32% of Independents agree
  • 43% of Democrats agree free trade agreements are “good thing” for US; 28% of Republicans agree
Morning Consult 
June 27, 2016

  • 45% of registered voters said Trump would be better for the economy, 38% said Clinton would be better for economy.
NBC/Wall Street Journal
June 27th, 2016

  • 52% of Republicans say they’d prefer a nominee other than Trump, 45% are satisfied with Trump. Republicans felt similarly about John McCain in 2008 (52% preferred someone else, 44% satisfied)

June 27, 2106

  • Trump favorability 20 percentage points lower than any prior recent GOP candidate among Republicans in early summer. Favorable= Trump (64%), Romney (82%), McCin (88%), W. Bush (94%), H.W. Bush (88%)
  • Clinton favorability (71%) nearly 20 percentage points lower than Obama (87%) and Kerry (87%) among Democrats.
June 28, 2016

Pew Research Center 
June 27, 2016

  • 88% of African-Americans say the country needs to continue making changes for blacks to have equal rights with whites. 43% are skeptical changes will ever occur, 42% are optimistic that the country will eventually make changes needed.
June 28, 2016

  • 66% say employers and individuals buying health insurance be allowed to buy insurance plans across state lines.


June 27, 2016

  • 60% say more free market competition between insurance companies would do more to reduce costs, compared to 27% who thought that this would be best done by more government regulation.