A week ago today, I questioned both the premises and purpose of an upcoming National Journal forum on ObamaCare and job creation. The forum’s promotional materials touted the new health care jobs that the law will create as a Good Thing, even though we already have too many health care jobs. All in all, it looked to be a very dignified pro-Obama(Care) rally, funded by one of ObamaCare’s biggest beneficiaries, the drugmaker Eli Lilly. The Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney picked up on the story. Then Instapundit added his own pithy interpretation: “Hey, the Atlantic media empire needs money. Eli Lilly has it. Plus, it boosts Obama. Win-win!” (Actually, I believe that would be win-win-win.)

To its credit, National Journal has since added balance to the forum and its panel. I received a promotional email today that reframes the event by asking, “are the right jobs being created?” (Emphasis mine.) They’ve also added AEI’s Tom Miller to the panel, who I’m guessing will cast a skeptical eye on the value added by these new health care jobs. Now the event looks to be a dignified and balanced discussion of ObamaCare.

National Journal still describes ObamaCare as “reform,” which I submit compromises objectivity. But this is progress. Kudos to them.