Do you remember the 112th Congress—the one that repeatedly almost shut down the government while still managing to raise taxes and spending? It turns out they did some interesting things with trade policy. The votes recorded in Cato’s congressional trade votes database have been counted, tabulated, and analyzed, and the results are mixed. The predictable legislative outcome was that with a Republican House and Democratic Senate, the 112th Congress furthered the bipartisan establishment trade policy of reciprocal tariff reduction and unilateral subsidy expansion.

The more interesting revelations come from looking at the voting records of individual members. Rather than simply noting whether a policy would promote or diminish free trade or would increase or decrease America’s engagement in the global economy, Cato’s Free Trade, Free Markets methodology distinguishes between barriers (like tariffs and quotas) and subsidies (like loan guarantees, tax credits, and price supports). This distinction enables us to place members within a two-dimensional matrix.

Media Name: matrix.gif

Free traders are those that oppose both barriers and subsidies. Interventionists are those that support both barriers and subsidies. Isolationists are those that support barriers but oppose subsidies. Internationalists are those that oppose barriers but support subsidies. 

The release of this report offers a wonderful opportunity to name names. First I’d like to point out that last term, three Republican representatives voted consistently to support trade barriers. Just to be clear, these barriers are taxes expressly intended to prevent you from buying things you want. The representatives are Walter Jones of North Carolina, Frank LoBiondo of New Jersey, and Steve LaTourette of Ohio. While Walter Jones consistently opposed subsidies (making him the House’s only isolationist last term), Messrs. LoBiondo and LaTourette joined 115 Democrats as interventionists.

With that unpleasantness out of the way, I would like to offer my congratulations and gratitude to the 112th Congress’s free traders. There were 19 in the Senate and 85 in the House. The high number of free traders in the House last term is due mostly to the fact that there was only one trade subsidy vote; if there were more, I’m sure many of these names would disappear from the list, but many would not and they all deserve credit nonetheless.

Free Traders in the House of Representatives for the 112th Congress: Free Traders in the Senate for the 112th Congress:
Sandy Adams

Kelly Ayotte
Todd Akin

John Boozman
Justin Amash

Tom Coburn
Charles Bass

Bob Corker
Diane Black

John Cornyn
Marsha Blackburn

Jim DeMint
Paul Broun

Lindsey Graham
Michael Burgess

Chuck Grassley
Quico Canseco

Orrin Hatch
Steve Chabot

Dean Heller
Jason Chaffetz

Jim Inhofe
Mike Coffman

Jon Kyl
Mike Conaway

Mike Lee
John Culberson

John McCain
Jeff Duncan

Mitch McConnell
Blake Farenthold

Rand Paul
Stephen Fincher

Rob Portman
Jeff Flake

Jeff Sessions
Chuck Fleischmann

Pat Toomey
John C. Fleming

Randy Forbes

Trent Franks

Cory Gardner

Scott Garrett

Phil Gingrey

Louie Gohmert

Paul Gosar

Tom Graves

Tim Griffin

Ralph Hall

Richard Hanna

Andy Harris

Joe Heck

Jeb Hensarling

Wally Herger

Tim Huelskamp

Bill Huizenga

Lynn Jenkins

Sam Johnson

Tim Johnson

Jim Jordan

Steve King

Jack Kingston

Raul Labrador

Doug Lamborn

Leonard Lance

Jeff Landry

James Lankford

Bob Latta

Kenny Marchant

Tom McClintock

Jeff Miller

Mick Mulvaney

Randy Neugebauer

Kristi Noem

Alan Nunnelee

Steven Palazzo

Erik Paulsen

Tom Petri

Ted Poe

Mike Pompeo

Bill Posey

Thomas Price

Ben Quayle

Todd Rokita

Thomas Rooney

Dennis Ross

Ed Royce

Paul Ryan

Steve Scalise

Jean Schmidt

David Schweikert

Austin Scott

Jim Sensenbrenner

Steve Southerland

Cliff Stearns

Marlin Stutzman

John Sullivan

Scott Tipton

Tim Walberg

Daniel Webster

Allen West

Lynn Westmoreland

Rob Woodal

Todd Young