Correction: The article “Trump’s New Insurance Rules Are Panned by Nearly Every Healthcare Group that Submitted Formal Comments” claimed the Trump administration proposes allowing short-term health insurance plans “to turn away sick people.” In fact, federal law already allows short-term plans to turn away sick people, and to our knowledge not even opponents of the administration’s actual proposal have proposed changing that feature. We regret the error.

The article claimed the Trump administration’s short-term plans proposal would weaken consumer protections. In fact, the proposal would strengthen consumer protections by allowing short-term plans to shield enrollees who fall ill from medical underwriting—a consumer protection the Obama administration prohibited these plans from offering. We regret the error.

The article described groups that advocate forced health care subsidies as “patient and consumer advocates,” but withheld that designation from patient and consumer advocates who oppose forced health care subsidies. We regret allowing ideology to creep into our reporting.

Finally (we hope), the article identified the financial interests of groups supporting the Trump administration’s proposals, but not the financial interests of groups opposing them. We regret our failure to follow the money.