In case you missed yesterday’s excellent Hill Briefing on the DISCLOSE Act and other recent developments in speech restrictions, next week I’ll be debating Citizens United and the future of campaign finance regulation. The event, cutely titled “Citizens United, Republic Divided; Campaign Finance Law After Citizens United,” takes place June 24 at noon at American University’s Washington School of Law, Room 401. That’s 4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW here in Washington.

IJ’s Steve Simpson and I will be up against American U’s Jamie Raskin and Election Law Blog’s Rick Hasen (who has also blogged this notice). RSVP to Michael Vasquez at mv5786a@​student.​american.​edu so there’s enough lunch to go around.

For Cato’s take on the DISCLOSE Act, see John Samples’s latest podcast, blogpost, and op-ed. See also NRA board member Cleta Mitchell’s stunning op-ed about that organization’s cynical Faustian bargain. Finally, here’s the piece John and I published in January in the wake of the Citizens United decision.