According to Bulgarian news sources, the coalition government in Bulgaria has agreed to implement a low-rate flat tax starting next January. This is good news for Bulgaria, but also good news for the rest of Europe since it means further pressure for tax-rate reductions and tax reforms. The global flat tax revolution is picking up so much steam that the time has come to propose a theme song. I realize I’m showing my age, but Another One Bites the Dust seems appropriate. Perhaps the song could be piped into the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, adding to their angst about the market-based reforms sweeping the world?

At an operative cabinet meeting Sunday attended by the top brass from the three parties it was decided to retire the current three-bracket personal income tax rate system and replace it with a flat rate of 10%. …The government also decided on a 10% pension increase from October 2007, enabled by a 20% budget revenue overperformance by end-July, and a 3% cut in the social security burden.