Lots of scuttlebutt today involving the name “Richard Holbrooke.” An emblem of the Democratic Party foreign policy establishment, Holbrooke is revered by some for his ruthlessness and ability to crack heads. A dedicated global interventionist, Holbrooke is high on the list of “people antiwar Democrats don’t want involved in an Obama administration.” In addition to ruthlessness, let’s take a walk down memory lane and attempt to determine how well Holbrooke would fit in an Obama administration that is supposed by many to be broad minded and determined to evaluate all arguments on a policy before leaping in. Here’s Holbrooke in 1994 chairing a meeting with mid-level officials to discuss NATO expansion:

Without having spoken to [Anthony] Lake or to the president, Holbrooke told the interagency group that there was a presidential policy to enlarge NATO that needed implementation. Holbrooke also made clear that [Warren] Christopher had asked him to set up and run the mechanism to expand NATO.

The new assistant secretary of state had a reputation for abrasiveness, and at this meeting, he demonstrated why. General [Wesley] Clark has recalled:

[Joseph] Kruzel spoke first, since he was the policy guy, and said, “Why is this the policy? It’s supposed to be an interagency process.” Holbrooke crushed him like a bug. He said, “It is policy.” Ash Carter walked out of the room. Then, as the meeting was about to conclude, I said, “I don’t know that a decision has been made.” Holbrooke said, “Anyone questioning this is disloyal to the country and to the president.” My ears turned bright red…and I demanded that he take it back. The room stopped. I got ready to leave. Holbrooke took it back.

That’s from James Goldgeier, Not Whether But When, pp. 73–74. So here you have it. Pursuing disastrous policies while impugning the motives of career military officials and labeling them anti-American if they have the temerity to object? Check. As compared to the tactics of the Bush administration, that’s not exactly “change,” but I sure can believe it.