…by attending one of my public events this month. Here’s what I currently have scheduled (those sponsored by Federalist Society marked with an asterisk):

  • Feb.7 at 4pm — Comparative Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, and Lessons from Iraq — NYU Law School*
  • Feb.8 at 1pm — Panel on Judicial Activism (American Constitution Society conference on “Federal Courts, Inc.?”) — NYU Law School
  • Feb.9 at 1pm — Debate on the Constitutionality of Obamacare — Brooklyn Law School*
  • Feb.10 at 10:45am — Debate on the Constitutionality of Obamacare — AMA Advocacy Conference at the Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC
  • Feb.15 at noon — Is Dodd-Frank Constitutional? — Cato Policy Forum
  • Feb.16 at 12:15pm — Debate on the Constitutionality of Obamacare — University of Akron Law School*
  • Feb.16 or 17 — TBD — possible event(s) at Case Western and/​or Cleveland State Law Schools*
  • Feb.20 at 10:45 — “Are There Any Limits on Federal Power?” — Students for Liberty International Conference, George Washington University Marvin Center, Washington, DC
  • Feb.22 at noon — Debate on Constitutionality of Obamacare — University of Arkansas Law School*
  • Feb.23 at 12:20 — TBD — Southern Methodist University, Dallas*

As always, if you attend any of these events, please come up and introduce yourself. You can also follow my travels and travelogues on Twitter at @ishapiro.