Donald Trump says, “we’ve got to start balancing budgets,” and promises that he is “going to cut spending big league.” Trump provides few specifics, but his impulse is certainly commendable.

Ted Cruz offers a much more detailed plan, which includes abolishing four cabinet departments and a couple dozen agencies and programs. The presidential candidate is right that the “current and projected rates of government growth are unsustainable, irresponsible, and constitutionally indefensible.”

Large spending cuts should be on the agenda when the next president enters office in 2017. Spending cuts would spur economic growth by shifting resources from lower-valued government activities to higher-valued private ones. Cuts would expand freedom by giving people more control over their lives and reducing the regulations that come with spending programs.

What should the next president cut? I have updated a plan at DownsizingGovernment to cut dozens of agencies and programs across the budget. I’ve included cuts to entitlements, business subsidies, aid to the states, and other items. The cuts would not only balance the budget and begin reducing the government’s massive debt, but they would also enhance our civil liberties by dispersing power from Washington.

See the new spending cut plan here.