The nice folks at Google have opened the application window for summer 2009 Google Policy Fellowships. It’s open to undergraduate, graduate, or law students interested in in the world of tech policy.

Google places policy fellows at a number of leading policy institutions in addition to Cato, and I suspect it’s a good opportunity to learn and help shape public policy at any of them.

This past summer’s Google policy fellow at Cato was Aaron Massey, who is a doctoral student in computer science at North Carolina State University. Aaron did very good work with us, and we continue to work on how identification and credentialing technologies can make us more secure without unsecuring the blessings of liberty.

(I think the highest achievement in Aaron’s young life so far, though, is winning Bruce Schneier’s Third Annual Movie-Plot Threat Contest as the inventor of Tommy Tester Toothpaste Strips.)

A tough act to follow, but I encourage you to apply, particularly people with computer science and information policy/​processing backgrounds.