I started the Anti–Universal Coverage Club in part to make a point, but also because I was curious to see how many people agreed with its basic premises.

I’m pleased to report that such people do exist. As of today, I count 86 club members. Rather than list them all, I’ll run through just those who might be recognizable to the policy community. Affiliations are provided for identification purposes only and do not imply that any of those organizations agree with us. At all. Unless I list an organization by itself.

Nathan Benefield
Director of Policy Research
Commonwealth Foundation

Greg Blankenship
Illinois Policy Institute

David Brown

Laissez Faire Books Blog

Joseph Coletti

Health Care Policy Analyst
John Locke Foundation

Karla Dial

Managing Editor
Health Care News

Paul Gessing

Rio Grande Foundation

John Graham

Director, Health Care Studies
Pacific Research Institute

Curly Haugland

Republican National Committeeman
North Dakota

Carla Howell

Center For Small Government

Arnold Kling
Cato Institute/Library of Economics & Liberty

Frayda Levy

Moving Picture Institute

Mark Litow

Consulting Actuary
Milliman, Inc.

Montana Liberty Project

National Review

Michael Ostrolenk

Director of Government Affairs
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Tom Patterson

Goldwater Institute

Jared Rhoads

Lucidicus Project

James Rottet

Legislative Specialist
The Heartland Institute

Herbert Rubin

UCLA School of Medicine

Thomas Saving

Professor of Economics
Texas A&M University

Greg Scandlen

Consumers for Health Care Choices

Greg Schneider

Health Care Fellow
Flint Hills Center for Public Policy

Jeffrey Singer

Contributing Editor
Arizona Medicine

Henry Stern

Insure Blog

Mary Katherine Stout

Vice President
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Andrew Sullivan

The Atlantic Online

The club has received a fair number of favorable mentions from blogs I had heard of (Coyote Blog, Moore​Watch​.com, SPN Blog, and Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket) and some I had not (Blog of Bile, Chaos From Order, A Chequer-Board Of Nights & Days, Con Law Geek, Dead​Beef​.com, Health Care BS, I Was The State, and Jason​Pye​.com).

Not everyone had a favorable reaction. Neil Versel’s Healthcare IT Blog described our one recruitment email as “unbelievably shocking.” Ezra Klein of The American Prospect wished us well in recruiting members, I think because he’s happy to have someone else compile his enemies list for him. Matthew Yglesias of The Atlantic Online congratulated me for starting the club but then deftly missed the point when he wrote, “I’m fairly certain that, politically, ‘we don’t care if you can’t afford health insurance’ is a losing slogan.”

Some members (not listed above) asked that I not use their real names because they feared giving offense — or even receiving offense, in the form of professional reprisals. Some think my name is spelled “Canon.” Others think my name is spelled “Tanner.” That’s fine. I’m just happy to have them aboard. I especially love that we have a Curly.

Not bad considering how little effort I’ve put into this.