Given my concerns about the growing requirements for a doctoral degree in every medical profession – audiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, etc., it was refreshing to read the comments after an article posted to Facebook about requiring a doctorate of all Physician Assistants. The author had written, “PAs are literally being left behind. Every other healthcare provider has already made the change. Physical therapists have the DPT, nurse practitioners have the DNP, audiologists have the AuD, etc.”

Here is a comment by Rob Cee, a physician assistant at the Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency: “This just a way for schools to make money. There is no difference in what would be taught. Just as the AS PA’s turned into the BS PA’s that turned into the MS PA’s. The program is still the same over 2 years no matter where you put them. It’s not gonna do anything to your salary or how you practice. Just be the best practitioner you can. Gain your patients trust with your knowledge and your bedside manner. They really don’t care about the initials after your name.”

And then Jeff Frey adds his thoughts: “‘Academic Creep.’ I predicted 25 years ago that everyone in healthcare will be a ‘doctor.’”