As briefing continues in the Virginia and Florida (+ 19 other states) cases — next hearings will be in October and September, respectively — I wanted to highlight the filing of another serious lawsuit, which I’d mentioned previously in a roundup of legal action. Our friends at the Goldwater Institute have filed a challenge on behalf of a small-business owner, three congressmen (Reps. Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, and John Shadegg, all Republicans of Arizona), and 29 Arizona state legislators. This new lawsuit, known as Coons v. Geithner, argues that the federal health care bill exceeds Congress’s powers, violates individual rights, interferes with the authority of states, and violates the separation of powers by setting up a new bureaucracy without meaningful congressional oversight or judicial review. The legal team is led by experienced constitutional litigator Clint Bolick (whose excellent book David’s Hammer Cato published a few years ago). You can read the press release here, find out more about the lawsuit here, and download the complaint here.