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Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America

Why do millions of people continue to risk their lives, sometimes losing them, in the pursuit of a chance to establish themselves in a foreign land? Alvaro Vargas Llosa will describe who immigrants are and why they move, and he will compare the immigrant experience today to that of previous eras, identifying far more similarities than differences. By reviewing such topics as religion, education, entrepreneurial spirit, and attitudes toward the receiving society, Mr. Vargas Llosa will assess whether critics are justified in pointing to a major cultural shift. Taking into account economic factors, including the role of the welfare state, the author will outline a pro-immigration agenda for the United States and other rich countries that minimizes costs and harnesses the benefits of globalization.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa
Alvaro Vargas Llosa

Fundación Internacional para la Libertad, Peru