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From “No Child” to “Every Student”: How Big a Change?

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Date and Time
Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring Gerard Robinson, Resident Fellow, Education Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute; David Cleary, Chief of Staff, Senator Lamar Alexander (R‑TN), Majority Staff Director for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee; Lindsey Burke, Will Skillman Fellow in Education Policy, Heritage Foundation; and Neal McCluskey, Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute; moderated by Michael Hansen, Senior Fellow, Brown Center on Education Policy Governance Studies, Brookings Institution.

The No Child Left Behind Act, with its rules about everything from teacher qualifications to school interventions, has finally been replaced. What took so long? Finally getting the left and right to agree that Washington had gone too far. But is the Every Student Succeeds Act, NCLB’s replacement, really designed to withdraw Washington from the nation’s classrooms? And is there danger that the U.S. Department of Education will write regulations maintaining federal power no matter what the statute’s intent? We hope you’ll join us for a crucial discussion about the newest federal education law.