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Cato Institute 30th Annual Monetary Conference

Money, Markets, and Government: The Next 30 Years

Thursday, November 15, 2012
9:00 a.m. — 6:15 p.m.

Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.

About the Conference | Conference Schedule

CATO'S 30TH ANNUAL MONETARY CONFERENCE — MONEY, MARKETS, AND GOVERNMENT: THE NEXT 30 YEARS — will address the links between sound money, free markets, and limited government, and how those links might evolve in the future. One path is to continue the present course and use central banks to monetize government debt, allocate credit, and distort interest rates. An alternative path is to limit the size and scope of government, adopt a rules-based regime, and let free capital markets allocate credit. The choice of monetary and fiscal policy regimes will determine whether economic and social harmony will spontaneously emerge or whether government power will continue to grow.

Join leading U.S. and global experts to discuss

  • How the choice of monetary and fiscal policy regimes affect economic freedom and prosperity
  • Policy steps needed to avoid future financial crises
  • Lessons from the Eurozone debt crisis
  • The limits of monetary policy
  • China's path toward capital freedom

Follow the conversation on Twitter with the Hashtag: #CMC30.

Please join our distinguished speakers on Thursday, November 15, to discuss these and related issues.

Featured Speakers

Vernon L. Smith

Professor of Economics, Chapman University, and Nobel Laureate in Economics

Thomas Hoenig

Vice Chairman,Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

John B. Taylor

Professor of Economics, Stanford University

George S. Tavlas

Director, Bank of Greece

Jürgen Stark

Former Chief Economist, European Central Bank

Charles I. Plosser

President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia