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The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment and Evidence-Based Health Reform

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
4:00 PM (Reception To Follow)

Featuring Katherine Baicker, Harvard School of Public Health; Robin Hanson, George Mason University; Michael F. Cannon, Cato Institute; Rachel Garfield, Kaiser Family Foundation; moderated by Julie Rovner, National Public Radio.

Because of the ongoing construction in our building expansion, this Cato Institute Policy Forum will be held at the
Barbara Jordan Conference Center • Kaiser Family Foundation
1330 G St., N. W., Washington D.C., 20005

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The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment is the first study ever to measure the effects of health insurance by randomly assigning subjects to receive Medicaid coverage or no coverage. At this forum, lead investigator Katherine Baicker will present the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment's first set of results and discuss further data that this revolutionary experiment will produce. The panelists will comment on the study's results and what the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment means for medicine, Medicaid, and health care reform.

Registration is now closed. You can watch the event live at

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