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Capitol Hill Briefing

Obama’s National Security Policy: A New Approach or More of the Same?

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Date and Time
B-369 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring Christopher Preble,Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and Benjamin Friedman, Research Fellow in Defense and Homeland Security Studies, Cato Institute;

President-elect Obama rode to victory on a promise of change. But how is he likely to change U.S. national security policy, and will these changes make us more or less secure? Will Obama embrace a different counterterrorism strategy than his predecessor, and how quickly will he remove U.S. forces from Iraq? Is his planned expansion of the Army and Marine Corps a good idea? What other changes in military spending is Obama likely to support? And should the United States continue being the world’s policeman, or can we shed some burdens without reducing our security? Please join Cato scholars Christopher Preble and Benjamin Friedman to discuss how current policies fall short and how an alternative strategy of restraint can advance U.S. security at more reasonable costs.