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Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist

(Dutton, 2007)

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Featuring the author, Tyler Cowen, Holbert C. Harris Professor of Economics, George Mason University; New York Times Columnist; and Coauthor of the Marginal Revolution Blog, with comments by Emily Yoffe, Journalist and Slate “Dear Prudence” Columnist.

In Discover Your Inner Economist, the economist and blogger Tyler Cowen provides quirky and insightful advice for life based on his signature urbane style of economic reasoning. On his blog, Mar​gin​al​Rev​o​lu​tion​.com, Cowen offers economic advice in his periodic “Dear Trudie” posts. Presumably Cowen offers good economics. But dare one take an economist’s advice? Emily Yoffe, author of Slate’s popular “Dear Prudence” advice column, will advise. Please join us for an advice-off, as Trudie meets Prudie to discuss the practical benefits of economic reasoning (or lack thereof) in everyday life.