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Can Health Savings Accounts Cover the Uninsured?

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Featuring Roy Ramthun, Senior Advisor for Health Initiatives, U.S. Department of Treasury; Robert B. Helms, Director of Health Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute; Greg Scandlen, Director, Center for Consumer Driven Health Care, Galen Institute; and Michael Cannon, Director of Health Policy Studies, Cato Institute

Cover the Uninsured Week begins Monday, May 2. Even though health savings accounts (HSAs) have only been available for a little more than a year, data already show that they are making health insurance accessible for those who previously could not afford coverage. But despite this success, HSAs remain restrictive and out of reach for millions of Americans. Can making HSAs more flexible cover even more of the uninsured? Join us for a discussion of how HSAs are affecting America’s health care sector and how they can be made even more flexible and affordable.

Combining Tax Reform and Health Care Reform with Large HSAs,” Cato Institute Tax & Budget Bulletin no. 23, May, 2005.