The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a new report claiming that there is no STEM worker “shortage”* after looking at the small wage gains in STEM occupations since 2000. CIS has a history of using poor methodology and data in their reports (see here, here, here, and here), but assuming that they did everything correctly this time, their results don’t tell us much for two reasons.

First, they don’t compare wage changes for STEM occupations with all other occupations.

Total real (2012 dollars) median annual wage growth for each of the three big STEM occupations was higher than for the median for all occupations from 2001 to 2012. Real wages for computer occupations grew by 2.05 percent, real wages for architecture and engineering occupations grew by 5.77 percent, and real wages for science occupations grew by 3.55 percent. Those gains look low until you realize that real wages for all occupations actually decreased by 0.94 percent. Compared to all occupations, wages for STEM occupations grew while attracting large numbers of immigrants.

Media Name: cistudy.png

Source: Occupational Employment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics. http://​www​.bls​.gov/​o​e​s​/​t​a​b​l​e​s.htm.

Second, the CIS study ignores the dynamic economic effect of halting STEM immigration or what stopping STEM immigration years ago would have done to the economy. The dynamic (general equilibrium) effects of kicking out STEM immigrants or halting their flow would be to shrink the economy and diminish wage, employment, productivity, and economic growth.

*CIS and others use the word “shortage” incorrectly.