Perhaps the most suspicious thing about the disappearance of Lois Lerner’s emails is that the IRS is not a small business operation that cannot afford high-quality computer, email, and backup systems. It is a huge modern bureaucracy that has computer technology at the core of its operations. The IRS IT budget in 2014 is a massive $2.4 billion (page 149 here).

Here is what the administration’s most recent IRS budget says (page 150) about its IT strategy:

IT is a key enabler for efficient and effective tax administration … To ensure the public trust, the IRS also is making significant investments to secure infrastructure, data, and applications. With continued investment in new technologies and the modernization of existing IT systems, the IRS is improving service to taxpayers, achieving productivity gains, and distinguishing itself as a model of tax administration around the world. The IRS also has established world-class practices and tools to manage and implement its portfolio of IT investments more efficiently.

There is no doubt that the IRS has distinguished itself recently, but not as a model of world-class practices.

Obamacare FYI: Page 147 shows that IRS IT costs for the ACA will be $345 million in 2014. Page 32 shows that IRS IT costs for the ACA over 2010–2018 will be $1.9 billion.