There’s technology policy, and there’s how technology affects policy.

That’s why I found my colleague Chris Edwards’ recent Tax & Budget Bulletin so interesting. He discusses a number of federal databases that bring some transparency to federal spending, including the Federal Assistance Award Data System and the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Between them, they reveal quite a bit of information about federal spending and the staggering number and amount of subsidies and grants handed out by the federal government each year.

Edwards also hails a proposal by Senator Tom Coburn (R‑OK) to create a comprehensive Internet database of federal contracts, grants, and other payments. It would be a great leap forward in terms of transparency about spending, like the Thomas system was for the legislative process.

Advocates from across the political spectrum want a government that “works.” Most believe that their perspective would “win” if the politics and government worked. Whatever the case, transparency is widely agreed to be good — the more the better.

Thomas was an improvement. Yet it hasn’t transformed the legislative process the way some might have hoped. Lawmaking remains murky and confusing to the vast majority of the public. Even if it was done well, a federal spending database probably wouldn’t transform the politics of government spending either.

Information technology will surely help, but transparency isn’t enough. The twin problems that must be overcome are rational ignorance and rational inaction. It’s hard to learn about government, and hard to affect it, so people make better uses of their time. Operating a lemonade stand would be far more lucrative and enjoyable for most people than campaigning for a tax reduction. (The piece linked here is a good discussion of rational ignorance.)

There are some efforts to defeat the twin plagues of ignorance and inaction. Gov​Track​.us, for example, attacks ignorance with more information presented more accessibly than Thomas. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales recently took after inaction with a wiki devoted to campaigns

My favorite — because I run it — is Wash​ing​ton​Watch​.com. It displays pending legislation with its price-tag per person, per family, etc. and it gives visitors a chance to air their views. A little run at ignorance, a little run at inaction. Given time, it could blossom into transformed government. In the meantime, the more transparency the better.