Majority Leader Schumer, Sen. Heinrich, Sen. Rounds, Sen. Young, and attendees:

I welcome the opportunity to provide insights around the use of AI and elections. My research focuses primarily on the intersection of law and technology, including issues related to speech, competition, and privacy and the governance of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI). In this statement, I will focus on two key points:

  • While much of the conversation is centered around risks, policymakers should also consider the impact of regulation on benign and beneficial uses of this general‐​purpose technology, including in areas related to elections.
  • Policymakers should consider if the underlying harms they are concerned about are addressed by existing law and distinguish between a technology — or its application — and the actions of malicious users. Additionally, they must consider the impact of regulation on key values including speech and should consider alternatives to regulation that can support societal norms and empower citizens to make their own informed decisions about election content.