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Partnership is one way you can defend, in a concrete way, America’s heritage of individual liberty, free markets, and constitutionally limited government. Cato depends solely on tax-deductible contributions from Partners who share our commitment to a free and prosperous society. When you support the Cato Institute, you are not just a contributor, you are a colleague. You’ll have access to the latest Cato publications, reports, newsletters, and invitations to Cato events.

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Impacting Public Policy

The Cato Institute provides a consistent voice for individual liberty and limited government in the Washington policy arena. Thanks to Cato’s work, journalists and policymakers understand that the ideals that animated the American Revolution are alive today and that substantial numbers of Americans believe in those principles. Since 1977, Cato scholars have been influential in a range of policy debates, including Social Security reform, medical savings accounts, term limits, welfare reform, fundamental tax reform, free trade, constitutional rights in the courts, school choice, civil liberties, and foreign policy issues.

Partnership Benefits

Introductory ($100-$499)
  • Free Society—quarterly magazine
  • Cato Currently—monthly enewsletter with the latest from Cato
  • Personal memos from President Peter Goettler
  • Exclusive online briefings with Cato scholars
Associate ($500-$999)

Same benefits as Introductory, plus:

  • Regulation—quarterly magazine
Sustaining ($1,000-$4,999)

Same benefits as Associate, plus:

  • Select Cato books
  • Opportunity to gift annual subscriptions to Cato’s work
  • Invitations to major Cato events

Patron ($5,000-$9,999)

Same benefits as Sustaining, plus:

  • All Cato books and publications
Benefactor ($10,000-$24,999)

Same benefits as Patron, plus:

  • Opportunity to host a local dinner with a Cato expert and fellow Partners
  • Private briefings with Cato policy staff
  • Invitations to the exclusive biennial Cato Benefactor Summit
Cato Club ($25,000-$49,999)

Same benefits as Benefactor, plus:

  • Engagement with Institute president and senior staff
  • Quarterly calls with Cato Leadership Team
  • Invitations to exclusive Cato Club biennial retreat with senior staff, board of directors, and special guests
  • Invitations to select Cato VIP events nationwide and internationally
President’s Circle ($50,000-$99,999)

Same benefits as Cato Club, plus:

  • Biannual conference calls with CEO/​President
Trenchard & Gordon Society ($100,000 or more)

Same benefits as President’s Circle, plus:

  • Recognition at Cato HQ
Join the Voluntary Society

Cato Partners who choose to support the Institute with monthly donations of at least $10 are members of the exclusive Voluntary Society, a group of like-minded libertarians who work closely with Cato to influence policy and drive positive change in cities and states across the country.

Cato Institute Receives Highest Charity Navigator Ranking

“Attaining a 4‑star rating verifies that Cato Institute exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work.”

—Charity Navigator