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  • October 2023
    Drug Legalization Handbook
    pdf (819.07 kB)
    Taking Drugs off the Schedule: Eliminating the Controlled Substances Act
    … in an effort to convince voters—and themselves—that they are serious about getting it “right.” But this focus on legalizing drugs the “right way” misses the mark. Instead, Congress must repeal the laws that cause drugs to be treated …
    By Jeffrey Miron and Erin Partin
  • October 17, 2011
    It’s Time to Declare Peace in the War against Drugs
    … licit drug market. According to Harvard’s Jeffrey A. Miron and doctoral candidate Katherine Waldock, in the U.S. alone “legalizing drugs would save roughly $41.3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition” and “yield tax …
    By Doug Bandow
  • October 3, 2010
    Philadelphia Inquirer
    Making an Economic Case for Legalizing Drugs
    … support. Understandably, therefore, some politicians, commentators, interest groups, and citizens have embraced unconventional approaches to closing fiscal gaps, such as legalizing drugs. Legalization would reduce state and federal deficits by eliminating expenditure on prohibition enforcement — arrests, prosecutions, and incarceration — and …
    By Jeffrey Miron and Katherine Waldock
  • September 29, 2010
    Los Angeles Times
    Drugs and Conservatives Should Go Together
    … on the smuggling networks established by drug lords and more easily hide in a sea of underground, cross‐​border trafficking. Legalizing drugs would support conservative opposition to gun control. High violence rates in the U.S., and especially in Mexico …
    By Jeffrey Miron
  • May 21, 2009
    Tom Tancredo Says: Legalize Drugs!
    … group in Denver: Admitting that it may be “political suicide” former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo said its time to consider legalizing drugs. He spoke Wednesday to the Lincoln Club of Colorado, a Republican group that’s been active in the …
    By Doug Bandow
  • January 13, 2001
    Make Drugs Legal for Adults, Says Former Cop
    … me from those who don’t is their take on a question they almost invariably put to me: Won’t legalizing drugs lead more people to take them and thus make things worse? I do not know whether legalizing drugs
    By David Klinger
  • January 13, 2001
    Make Drugs Legal for Adults, Says Former Cop
    … me from those who don’t is their take on a question they almost invariably put to me: Won’t legalizing drugs lead more people to take them and thus make things worse? I do not know whether legalizing drugs
    By David Klinger
  • September/October 2011
    Policy Report
    The Exorbitant Costs of the War on Drugs
    … potential benefit overlooks one critical component of enforcement: the cost. In a Cato white paper last year, Miron found that legalizing drugs would reduce government expenditures by $41.3 billion annually. These dollar amounts, however, only scratch the surface of …
  • September 19, 2017
    Could Legalizing All Drugs Solve America’s Opioid Epidemic?
    Around the world, liberal drug policies have had great success in reducing the harms from drug addiction, such as HIV and overdoses. Faced with a raging opioid crisis, the U.S. would be wise to model its own drug policy after countries that have undergone similar experiences.
    By Jeffrey Miron
  • January 27, 2014
    Harvard Crimson
    Is the War on Drugs Over?
    Further progress toward legalization faces serious impediments.
    By Jeffrey Miron