The freedom to make one’s own health care decisions is a fundamental human right. When government protects that right, innovation and competition make health care more universal—better, more affordable, and more secure. When government taxes our earnings or restricts our choice of providers, treatments, and health insurance, it denies that right and makes health care less universal.
Health Care
2,108 results found
Market Discipline Beats Regulatory Discipline
Fed versus Market Regulation
Nominal GDP Targeting: A Simple Rule to Improve Fed Performance
Clearing House Currency
The Troubling Suppression of Competition from Alternative Monies: The Cases of the Liberty Dollar and E-gold
The Need for a Price Stability Mandate
Operation Twist-the-Truth: How the Federal Reserve Misrepresents Its History and Performance
A Century of Central Banking: What Have We Learned?
A Limited Central Bank
Editor’s Note
Spring/Summer 2014
The Great Rent Wars: New York 1917-1929 by Robert M. Fogelson
The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth’s Future by Paul Sabin
Political Bubbles: Financial Crises and the Failure of American Democracy by Nolan McCarty, Keith Poole, and Howard Rosenthal