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  • January 24, 2025
    The Harm Reduction Promise of GLP-1s
    The Harm Reduction Promise of GLP-1s
    Could GLP-1s become the next frontier in harm reduction?
    Featuring Sally Satel, MD, Nicholas Reville, Michael F. Cannon, & Jeffrey A. Singer
  • December 11, 2024
    Pain Refugees: Collateral Damage of the War on Drugs
    Pain Refugees: Collateral Damage of the War on Drugs
    Join us on December 3rd at noon to discuss the pain refugee crisis, its causes, and potential solutions.
    Featuring Mark S. Ibsen, MD, Kate M. Nicholson, JD, Ronald W. Chapman II, JD, LLM, Brandy N. Stokes, & Jeffrey A. Singer
  • October 15, 2024
    Do Biden’s New Rules for Short-Term Health Plans Protect Consumers or Threaten Them?
    Do Biden’s New Rules for Short-Term Health Plans Protect Consumers or Threaten Them?
    Congress exempts short-term, limited-duration insurance (STLDI) from nearly all federal regulation. On September 1, the federal government imposed new regulations limiting STLDI policies to no more than three months. Supporters claim the new rules enhance consumer protections. Critics argue the new regulations eliminate consumer protections and will strip health insurance from the sick, leaving them uninsured for up to 12 months. The panelists will discuss whether this rule benefits or harms patients and whether it is vulnerable to legal challenge.
    Featuring Michael F. Cannon, Natasha Murphy, and Sal Nuzzo
  • July 23, 2024
    COVID Collateral: Where Do We Go for Truth?
    COVID Collateral: Where Do We Go for Truth?
    On July 23rd, please join us for an in-person film screening, followed by a roundtable discussion of the film and its lessons featuring our distinguished panel.
    Featuring Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, Vanessa Dylyn, Robert R. Redfield, MD, Ryan Bourne, & Jeffrey A. Singer
  • May 22, 2024
    At What Price: Determining Pharmaceutical Prices in Medicare
    At What Price: Determining Pharmaceutical Prices in Medicare
    A complex array of government policies and market forces cause drug prices to be higher in the United States than other nations. Is this a problem? If so, are there better policies for determining drug prices? What is the “right” price for a drug? Panelists will discuss evidence suggesting that US drug prices are excessive and what policymakers should and should not do in response.
    Featuring Pragya Kakani, Luca Maini, and Michael F. Cannon
  • November 28, 2023
    We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care
    We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care
    Join us for a conversation about We’ve Got You Covered, the merits of incremental versus comprehensive change, and whether reform should involve greater or less government intervention.
    Featuring Amy Finkelstein and Michael F. Cannon
  • September 11, 2023
    Short-Term Plans: The Battle for Health Insurance Choice
    Short-Term Plans: The Battle for Health Insurance Choice
    On July 7, 2023, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Treasury released a notice of proposed rulemaking to modify the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance. Join us on September 11 for a discussion.
    Featuring Brian Blase and Michael F. Cannon
  • August 17, 2023
    Freeing American Families: Fertility and Family Policy
    Freeing American Families: Fertility and Family Policy
    As fertility rates fall in much of the world, many policymakers are considering expensive policies intended to raise birth rates and support families more broadly. Join us online on August 17 to address these critical issues.
    Featuring Vanessa Brown Calder, Chelsea Follett, Julie Gunlock, & Elizabeth Nolan Brown
  • May 22, 2023
    Expanding Access to Primary Care by Removing Barriers to Assistant Physicians
    Expanding Access to Primary Care by Removing Barriers to Assistant Physicians
    The reform lets graduates without a residency position provide primary care in clinics while enhancing their knowledge and skills. Six other states have passed similar laws: Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Arizona, Louisiana, and Idaho.
    Featuring Kevin D. Dayaratna, PhD , Keith J. Frederick, DO, Lyman Wostrel, MD, & Jeffrey A. Singer