Research Briefs in Economic Policy
424 results found
Benign Effects of Automation: New Evidence from Patent Texts
Did the 2018 Trade War Improve Job Opportunities for US Workers?
Is the Global Economy Deglobalizing? And If So, Why? And What Is Next?
Getting Down to Business: Chain Ownership and Fertility Clinic Performance
Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice and Patient Harm: Evidence from Medical Malpractice Payouts and Adverse Action Reports
Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Nonprofit Sector
Now You Can Take It with You: Effects of Occupational Credential Recognition on Labor Market Outcomes
Does Occupational Licensing Reduce Value Creation on Digital Platforms?
Minimum Wages and Homelessness
Do Prostitution Laws Affect Rape Rates? Evidence from Europe
On the Public Finance of Capital Punishment
Wealth Inequality and Democracy
Connected Lending of Last Resort
The Contribution of High-Skilled Immigrants to Innovation in the United States