Policy Analysis
80 results found
CNOOC Bid for Unocal No Threat to Energy Security
Shell Games and Fortune Tellers: The Sun Doesn’t Set at the Antidumping Circus
A Package Deal: U.S. Manufacturing Imports and Output Rise and Fall Together
Miracle Down Under: How New Zealand Farmers Prosper without Subsidies or Protection
Cutting the Cord: Textile Trade Policy Needs Tough Love
“Bad News” on the Trade Deficit Often Means Good News on the Economy
U.S. Supreme Court Finally Removes Decade-long Roadblock to U.S.-Mexican Trucking
Poster Child for Reform: The Antidumping Case on Bedroom Furniture from China
Zeroing In: Antidumping’s Flawed Methodology under Fire
Why We Have Nothing to Fear from Foreign Outsourcing
Another Revolution in Latin America: Who Will Win?
A Sticky State of Affairs: Sugar and the U.S.-Australia Free-Trade Agreement
Uncool Rules: Second Thoughts on Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling
China: Just Say No to Monetary Protectionism