Briefing Paper
175 results found
Ending Federal Student Loans: There Is a Small Window of Opportunity to Get the Government out of Student Lending
Licensing Would Reduce Access to Lactation Support Services
Trends in Higher Education: State Funding and Tuition Revenue at Public Colleges from 1980 to 2023
The GSE Experiment Has Failed—Congress Should End It
Presidential Tariff Powers and the Need for Reform
Artificial Intelligence Regulation Threatens Free Expression
Immigrant Children and School Choice: Immigrant and Native Enrollment in Private and Public Education
Courts Should Affirm First Amendment Rights of Youths in the Digital Age: The Case for a 21st–Century Tinker
Let Pharmacists Prescribe
How the Federal Government Spends $6.7 Trillion
Green Card Approval Rate Reaches Record Lows
Reviving Federalism to Tackle the Government Debt Crisis
Defending Gestational Surrogacy: Addressing Misconceptions and Criticisms
Cutting International Food Aid