Imagine how much easier your life and livelihood would be if leading experts placed guidance and insights about regulatory polices at your fingertips four times a year. That’s what Regulation does. For three decades, it has examined every market, from agriculture to health and transportation, and nearly every government intervention, from interstate commerce regulation to labor law and price controls. And, it is expansive—casting a powerful light onto the overall impact of regulatory polices to give you sharp, comprehensive perspectives; and, precise—exploring key subjects with incisive, point-by-point analysis.
Further, each issue’s articles, crafted by national authorities at the cutting edge of regulatory reform, are written in clear, unambiguous terms that can be immediately understood and applied to your individual needs. With contributions from the nation’s top economists, policy analysts, and legal experts, Regulation guarantees the objective, in-depth analysis you need to stay on top of regulatory and economic policymaking in Washington, D.C.