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  • Fall 2021
    Cato Journal
    Covid Cash
    Covid Cash
    Should strong demand for paper currency be considered an unalloyed benefit in the helicopter money era? Many treasuries and central banks around the world seem to think so.
    By Kenneth Rogoff and Jessica Scazzero
  • Fall 2021
    Cato Journal
    The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth
    The Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth
    This article explains how studies were identified for the survey sample, provides an overview of the theories of how public debt impacts economic growth, reviews the findings of the 40 studies in the survey sample, and concludes with some recommendations for future research.
    By Jack Salmon
  • Fall 2021
    Cato Journal
    GameStop and the Rise of Retail Trading
    GameStop and the Rise of Retail Trading
    Easily compared to a law school issue-spotter exam question, or perhaps a Rorschach test, the GameStop phenomenon has raised questions and concerns regarding equity markets from just about every angle imaginable.
    By Jennifer J. Schulp
  • Fall 2021
    Cato Journal
    Editor's Note
    Editor’s Note
    Although the Cato Journal is being sunset, it will continue to be available online and serve as a valuable research tool for years to come.
    By James A. Dorn
  • Cato Journal
    Vol. 41 No. 3
    Fall 2021
    Fall 2021
    The Cato Institute has announced that the Fall 2021 edition of the Cato Journal, one of its longest‐​running projects, will be the final publication. For more than forty years, the Cato Journal has provided clear analysis of the most significant policy challenges facing the country, and done so free of political favor to either side.
  • Spring/Summer 2021
    Cato Journal
    Lessons for the Fed from the Pandemic
    Lessons for the Fed from the Pandemic
    Despite the serious costs of the pandemic, the responses to it have reduced costly government regulations and speeded up the development of vaccines via the private sector and encouraged new technologies.
    By John A. Allison
  • Spring/Summer 2021
    Cato Journal
    Which Type of Digital Currency for Financial Inclusion?
    Which Type of Digital Currency for Financial Inclusion?
    America’s financial inclusion problem is usually expressed as the percentage of households — 5.4 percent at last count, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC 2020: 1) — who lack a bank account.
    By Diego Zuluaga
  • Spring/Summer 2021
    Cato Journal
    Chartering the Fintech Future
    Chartering the Fintech Future
    With respect to technological changes, new methods for providing loans and payment services by “shadow banks,” especially by fintech banks over the past several years, are accelerating the long‐​term trend of financial disintermediation from chartered banking by providing more attractive alternatives to customers.
    By Charles Calomiris