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  • January 22, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    What Do the U.S., Russia, and Ukraine Want from Each Other?
    What Do the U.S., Russia, and Ukraine Want from Each Other?
    The U.S. and Russia are ramping up pressure over Ukraine, but what exactly is the U.S. security interest there? Cato’s Doug Bandow and Brandon Valeriano comment.
    Featuring Doug Bandow, Brandon Valeriano, and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 21, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Election Reform for Serious People
    Election Reform for Serious People
    Whether your concern is ballot harvesting, a lack of properly identified voters, or voter disenfranchisement, there are reforms people should be able to agree on to make election outcomes more credible. Walter Olson provides a few ideas.
    Featuring Walter Olson and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 20, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How to Fix The Electoral Count Act
    How to Fix The Electoral Count Act
    The Electoral Count Act is confusing and vague and could again contribute to confusion over just which candidate has won the White House. So why isn’t it front and center for election reform? Walter Olson details some ways to fix it.
    Featuring Walter Olson and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 19, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    State-Level Reforms for Addressing Opioids
    State-Level Reforms for Addressing Opioids
    When politicians start telling doctors how much pain medication they may prescribe, they’re essentially practicing medicine. For pain patients, the consequences can be devastating. Jeff Singer argues that trusting patients and physicians is key to properly addressing patient needs. Law enforcement, he says, should play no role in questions about the standard of care patients should receive.
    Featuring Jeffrey A. Singer and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 18, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Did COVID Help Courts Reform Themselves?
    Did COVID Help Courts Reform Themselves?
    When you swear an oath to justice, you shouldn’t follow through only when there’s not a raging pandemic. Marc Levin discusses how COVID may have compelled some reforms that ought to stick around.
    Featuring Marc Levin and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 13, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Supreme Court on Federal Vaccine Mandate
    Supreme Court on Federal Vaccine Mandate
    The Supreme Court weighs in on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate. Ilya Shapiro provides his expectation.
    Featuring Ilya Shapiro and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 12, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How Is Congress Going to Tax Crypto?
    How Is Congress Going to Tax Crypto?
    Taxes on cryptocurrencies are coming to the infant industry, though it’s less than clear how Congress would do it and if their revenue estimates are rooted in reality. Nicholas Anthony comments.
    Featuring Nicholas Anthony and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 11, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Squelching Speech and 'Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theater’
    Squelching Speech and ‘Shouting Fire in a Crowded Theater’
    It’s a tired old phrase meant to justify all manner of speech restrictions. People using it should at least understand what it means. Author Jeff Kosseff evaluates some of the political state of play over the freedom of speech online.
    Featuring Jeff Kosseff and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 10, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Balancing State Budgets for the Long Term
    Balancing State Budgets for the Long Term
    Where should states look for stable budgets that balance through business cycles? Kurt Couchman of Americans for Prosperity offers his thoughts.
    Featuring Kurt Couchman and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 8, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
    Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
    Even our best efforts at being rational are beset by biases that skew our thinking. Steven Pinker’s new book is Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters. He spoke at the Cato Club retreat in 2021.
    Featuring Steven Pinker and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 7, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    A Radical Leftist Shift in Chile
    A Radical Leftist Shift in Chile
    Chile has elected a radical leftist as president, part of a long trend. There are lessons for the United States. Ian Vasquez describes what he believes enabled the shift.
    Featuring Ian Vásquez and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 6, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Disappointing Biden Immigration Policy So Far
    Disappointing Biden Immigration Policy So Far
    As we approach the end of the first year of the Biden administration, his anemic immigration policy hasn’t undone many of the restrictions left by the Trump administration. David Bier and Alex Nowrasteh discussed immigration for this month’s CatoAudio.
    Featuring Alex Nowrasteh, David J. Bier, and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 5, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Anti-Gouging Laws Can Make Disasters Worse
    Anti-Gouging Laws Can Make Disasters Worse
    When disasters hit, law enforcement leaps into action to punish some of the people bringing in desperately needed supplies. Ryan Bourne describes the overblown threat of price gouging.
    Featuring Ryan Bourne and Caleb O. Brown
  • December 31, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Democrats Denying Reality on Inflation
    Democrats Denying Reality on Inflation
    Prominent Democrats have either denied the reality of inflation or prescribed the wrong solution. Norbert Michel describes what might come next on the inflation front.
    Featuring Norbert Michel and Caleb O. Brown