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  • July 19, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How Are Plea Bargains Coercive?
    How Are Plea Bargains Coercive?
    The plea bargain as it’s practiced by prosecutors has become a tool that helps pervert justice by penalizing people who seek a jury trial. Somil Trivedi of the American Civil Liberties Union is bringing a suit in Maricopa County, Arizona to challenge how the plea bargain is used.
    Featuring Somil Trivedi and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 17, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The President Wants More Control over Shipping Goods
    The President Wants More Control over Shipping Goods
    The President wants to remove some barriers to shipping goods across the U.S. and among nations, but has been recently silent about restrictions that are substantially counterproductive to Americans’ well being. Colin Grabow and Scott Lincicome explain.
    Featuring Colin Grabow, Scott Lincicome, and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 16, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Departure from Afghanistan So Far
    The Departure from Afghanistan So Far
    The planned U.S. departure from Afghanistan is underway, but the Biden Administration seems reluctant to give up the authority to go back in at any moment. John Glaser comments.
    Featuring John Glaser and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 13, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Cybersecurity: Defense and Offense
    Cybersecurity: Defense and Offense
    Brandon Valeriano argues that defense against cyberattacks means actually doing the work of hardening systems against attacks rather than issuing threats after the fact.
    Featuring Brandon Valeriano and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 12, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Enormous Human Cost of China's Communist Party
    The Enormous Human Cost of China’s Communist Party
    As the CCP marks 100 years, the party’s human rights abuses, mass slaughter of Chinese people, crackdowns on free speech, and internment camps for minorities won’t be front and center. Doug Bandow and Eric Gomez comment.
    Featuring Doug Bandow, Eric Gomez, and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 8, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    A High Court Win for Nonprofit Donor Privacy
    A High Court Win for Nonprofit Donor Privacy
    In AFPF v. Bonta, the Supreme Court made clearer that donors to nonprofits deserve greater privacy protection from state actors. Trevor Burrus examines the case.
    Featuring Trevor Burrus and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 6, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Yes, You Have the Right to Record Police
    Yes, You Have the Right to Record Police
    A Florida appeals court has let cops off the hook after they arrested a woman after she recorded those cops doing their jobs. James Craven details why clarity on this issue is more important than ever.
    Featuring James Craven and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 5, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Baltimore's Persistent Aerial Surveillance Ruled Unconstitutional
    Baltimore’s Persistent Aerial Surveillance Ruled Unconstitutional
    Persistent aerial surveillance may make the jobs of cops easier, but it’s no solution if it endangers your rights. Matthew Feeney discusses the case of Balitmore’s aerial surveillance program.
    Featuring Matthew Feeney and Caleb O. Brown
  • July 1, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Counting the Costs of the Jones Act
    Counting the Costs of the Jones Act
    In restricting transportation of all manner of products, the Jones Act disproportionately harms the poor and raises prices for everyone else. Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Cato’s Colin Grabow discuss the new effort to eliminate the law.
    Featuring Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Colin Grabow, and Caleb O. Brown
  • June 30, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Big Federal COVID Spending > Big Waste and Fraud
    Big Federal COVID Spending > Big Waste and Fraud
    In the wake of an especially massive outflow of federal money, the accounting for how the money was spent is just beginning. Cato’s Will Yeatman says that we shouldn’t get our hopes up that the money was spent well.
    Featuring William Yeatman and Caleb O. Brown
  • June 30, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    What’s Next after SCOTUS Rebukes NCAA?
    What’s Next after SCOTUS Rebukes NCAA?
    The Supreme Court’s ruling against the NCAA regarding benefits paid to student athletes virtually guarantees that there will be future litigation on strikingly similar issues. The NCAA is hoping for time to change its rules. Ilya Shapiro comments.
    Featuring Ilya Shapiro and Caleb O. Brown
  • June 28, 2021
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Ugly Bipartisan History of Crack Cocaine Sentencing
    The Ugly Bipartisan History of Crack Cocaine Sentencing
    Federal sentencing for drug crimes has never made sense, most especially the disparity between cocaine and crack. Kevin Ring of FAMM details how we got here.
    Featuring Kevin Ring and Caleb O. Brown