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  • September 30, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    What Will Post-Pandemic Litigation over Government Emergency Powers Yield?
    What Will Post-Pandemic Litigation over Government Emergency Powers Yield?
    The Big Board in Washington D.C. faced some seemingly capricious government action in its attempts to stay open without policing customers. Robert Alt of the Buckeye Institute is representing the bar in its challenge to D.C. government.
    Featuring Robert Alt and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 27, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Will Banning Congressional Stock Trading Achieve Anything?
    Will Banning Congressional Stock Trading Achieve Anything?
    Transparency is the best way to curb members of Congress who might wish to use their positions to enrich themselves, according to Jennifer Schulp. She argues that a ban on stock trading probably won’t achieve that much tangible benefit.
    Featuring Jennifer J. Schulp and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 26, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Vaccine Mandate Cases in Retrospect
    The Vaccine Mandate Cases in Retrospect
    The vaccine mandate cases handled by the Supreme Court earlier this year deserve discussion for their implications for emergency powers going forward. Ilya Somin parsed the cases at Cato’s Constitution Day event.
    Featuring Ilya Somin and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 23, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Another Take on West Virginia v. EPA
    Another Take on West Virginia v. EPA
    While reining in the administrative state is a worthy goal, Jonathan Adler is not impressed with the reasoning and doctrine of West Virginia v. EPA. He spoke at the Cato Institute’s Constitution Day festivities.
    Featuring Jonathan H. Adler and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 21, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Sourcing Flatware, Footwear, and Other Vital National Security Issues
    Sourcing Flatware, Footwear, and Other Vital National Security Issues
    The sourcing decisions for some pretty strange products are presented as vital national security matters by straight-faced members of Congress. Colin Grabow takes down some of the most galling justifications for limiting consumer choices.
    Featuring Colin Grabow and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 19, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Team Libertarian on the Guardrails of Democracy
    Team Libertarian on the Guardrails of Democracy
    What do experts with ideological commitments view as the most important elements of protecting the “guardrails of democracy” in America? Walter Olson (Team Libertarian) makes the case.
    Featuring Walter Olson and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 15, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Cloudflare's About-Face over Kiwi Farms
    Cloudflare’s About-Face over Kiwi Farms
    A service that keep sites online despite attacks often protects sites whose bad reputations are well earned. Elizabeth Nolan Brown and Will Duffield discuss Cloudflare and its change of heart over providing service to the infamous troll haven known as Kiwi Farms.
    Featuring Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Will Duffield, and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 13, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Jones Act and the Price of Gas
    The Jones Act and the Price of Gas
    The inefficiencies that the Jones Act creates for American oil supply chains have ripple effects across the globe. Colin Grabow explains.
    Featuring Colin Grabow and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 12, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How the Fed Thinks about Inflation, Cryptocurrencies, and NGDP Targeting
    How the Fed Thinks about Inflation, Cryptocurrencies, and NGDP Targeting
    Cato Institute president Peter Goettler and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discuss approaches to inflation, cryptocurrencies, the Fed’s dual mandate, and other elements of monetary policy at the Cato Institute’s 40th Annual Monetary Conference.
    Featuring Jerome H. Powell, Peter Goettler, and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 8, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Postal Banking: A Dead Idea Walking
    Postal Banking: A Dead Idea Walking
    Turning post offices into banks is a bad idea. So why does it keep coming back? Nick Anthony explains.
    Featuring Nicholas Anthony and Caleb O. Brown
  • September 7, 2022
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Is Biden's Big Student Debt Cancellation Legal?
    Is Biden’s Big Student Debt Cancellation Legal?
    There are significant legal problems with the President’s plan to cancel billions of dollars in student debt. Tommy Berry explains.
    Featuring Thomas A. Berry and Caleb O. Brown