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  • February 14, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    More Thoughts on Algorithms and Section 230 at SCOTUS
    More Thoughts on Algorithms and Section 230 at SCOTUS
    Will Duffield provides additional context ahead of the Supreme Court’s consideration of liability under Section 230 of Communications Decency Act. Related Cato Daily Podcast: Do Algorithms Get a Pass Under Section 230? featuring Thomas A. Berry and Caleb O. Brown
    Featuring Will Duffield and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 13, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Why Shadow Banking Didn’t Cause the Financial Crisis
    Why Shadow Banking Didn’t Cause the Financial Crisis
    In his new book, Why Shadow Banking Didn’t Cause the Financial Crisis, Norbert Michel explores the main problems with the conventional story about the 2008 crisis and explains why it does not justify expanding bank‐​like regulations throughout financial markets to mitigate systemic risks.
    Featuring Norbert Michel and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 10, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Tyre Nichols and Fostering a Police Culture of Accountability
    Tyre Nichols and Fostering a Police Culture of Accountability
    It’s a heavy lift to create a culture of accountability within policing that could reduce police killings. Jay Schweikert discusses the brutal police killing of Tyre Nichols and why the case was both exceptional and alarming.
    Featuring Jay Schweikert and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 9, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    DeSantis Scrubs Florida Public Schools
    DeSantis Scrubs Florida Public Schools
    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has asserted more direct control over the state’s public schools. Neal McCluskey details why public institutions necessitate public control.
    Featuring Neal McCluskey and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 8, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Do Algorithms Get a Pass Under Section 230?
    Do Algorithms Get a Pass Under Section 230?
    A case going before the U.S. Supreme Court at long last puts Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act front and center. Specifically, the court is being asked to rule on the status of algorithms that help platforms decide what content to offer up to users. Tommy Berry explains.
    Featuring Thomas A. Berry and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 7, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Do Big Transit Spending Plans Make Sense Anymore?
    Do Big Transit Spending Plans Make Sense Anymore?
    Workers have largely maintained their out-of-office work arrangements. Do big spending plans for transit still make sense? Marc Joffe provides details.
    Featuring Marc Joffe and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 6, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    DeSantis Likes E-Verify Despite Its (Many) Failures
    DeSantis Likes E-Verify Despite Its (Many) Failures
    The federal labor market imposition known as E-Verify doesn’t work very well, and it could be used in myriad ways to deny Americans’ employment. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems to like it anyway, having punished private employers who have refused to use the program. David Bier explains why the program is at best a bothersome federal intervention.
    Featuring David J. Bier and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 3, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How Certificate of Need Obstructs Birthing Centers
    How Certificate of Need Obstructs Birthing Centers
    Birthing can be a tense process. The comfort of pregnant women is of utmost importance for a smooth delivery. Still, many states tell future mothers they don’t need facilities that specialize in providing that comfort. Anastasia Boden explains how certificate of need laws interfere with the preferences of parents in how their children are born.
    Featuring Anastasia P. Boden and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 2, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    How Non-Compete Agreements Work in Labor Markets
    How Non-Compete Agreements Work in Labor Markets
    What does research tell us about the use and abuse of non-compete agreements? Brian Albrecht of the International Center for Law and Economics comments.
    Featuring Brian Albrecht and Caleb O. Brown
  • February 1, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Feds Back Down (Temporarily) on Expanded Financial Snooping
    Feds Back Down (Temporarily) on Expanded Financial Snooping
    It’s hard to square rhetoric surrounding high-earners who attempt to avoid taxes with a now-suspended plan to snoop on small financial transactions. Nick Anthony and Scott Lincicome comment.
    Featuring Nicholas Anthony, Scott Lincicome, and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 30, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    Scope of Practice and the Supply of Health Care Services
    Scope of Practice and the Supply of Health Care Services
    When you wait three months for an appointment only to spend a few minutes with a physician, would you say that you had adequate access to your doctor? How would expanding scope of practice help? Elizabeth Stelle with the Commonwealth Foundation comments from the Cato Institute’s State Health Policy Summit held earlier this month.
    Featuring Elizabeth Stelle and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 27, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    State-Run Home Equity Theft Goes before SCOTUS
    State-Run Home Equity Theft Goes before SCOTUS
    A dozen states and DC steal home equity from often unsuspecting homeowners. The process known as “home equity theft” leaves many people both homeless and without a large fraction of their retirement savings. The Pacific Legal Foundation will bring a case to the U.S. Supreme Court this year. Researcher Angela C. Erickson and attorney Larry Salzman comment.
    Featuring Angela C. Erickson, Larry Salzman, and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 26, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Human Freedom Index 2022
    The Human Freedom Index 2022
    The latest edition of the Human Freedom Index shows that the pandemic was devastating for freedom across the globe. Ian Vasquez is the co-author.
    Featuring Ian Vásquez and Caleb O. Brown
  • January 25, 2023
    Cato Daily Podcast
    The Political Opposition to Prescribing Psychologists
    The Political Opposition to Prescribing Psychologists
    An emergent turf war over who gets to prescribe medication means delaying mental health care. Claudia Mosier is a prescribing psychologist in two states and believes what she’s offering could help many Americans secure their own mental health.
    Featuring Claudia Mosier, PsyD, MSCP and Caleb O. Brown