Free Society
2,785 results found
MedPAC Identifies Medicare Advantage Pricing Errors, Savings Opportunities
A Legal Market for Organs
Utah’s Fluoride Ban: A Win for Medical Autonomy
The FDA Finally Removes a Huge Barrier to an Effective Schizophrenia Medicine
Evaluating PDUFA: Paying for FDA Drug-Application Reviewers by Charging User Fees
Government Versus Private Vaccine Mandates
Licensing Boards: Still Brazen After All These Years
The Chilling Effect: How Fear Drives Doctors Away from Pain Patients
Red America Would Suffer Under RFK Jr.
When the State Kills, Medical Ethics Don’t Matter
Journavx: A Promising Opioid Alternative, but Not a Silver Bullet
A Breath of Fresh Air: Trump’s FDA Takes a Step Back from the Menthol Ban
“Repeal the Tax Exclusion for Employer-Sponsored Insurance to Transfer Health Care Spending Focus to Individuals”
Tradeoffs Podcast: the Case for Medicaid Reform