But PM2.5 control’s costs and benefits are unevenly distributed across geographic areas, with some experiencing large net benefits while others have large net costs. Moreover, there are only limited negative externality effects between areas; PM2.5 in Los Angeles, where reductions have had large benefits, is not affected by PM2.5 emitted in Idaho, where controls have large net costs.
This suggests that PM2.5 regulation should be decentralized. General welfare would rise if decisionmakers at the local and regional level—rather than in Washington, DC—would set PM2.5 policy and weigh the costs and benefits.
About PM2.5
PM2.5 is a regulatory category that covers chemicals and substances emitted by a range of manmade and natural sources, including vehicles, restaurants, factories, power plants, wildfires, windblown dust, and vegetation. These particles are thought to penetrate deep into the lungs and bloodstream, potentially causing significant health issues. In the short term, they may aggravate asthma, decrease lung function, and cause difficulty breathing. In the long term, they may create chronic health problems.
Particulate matter, including PM2.5, is regulated as one of six “criteria” air pollutants under the Clean Air Act (CAA), with National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) setting a permissible exposure level across the United States. The Biden administration lowered the PM2.5 standard from 12 to 9 micrograms per cubic meter of air ( μg/m3) in 2024.
Over the past century, air quality in the United States has improved substantially, though it is still debated whether the credit goes to the CAA and NAAQS or to pre-existing downward trends, including other environmental policies (EPA 2011a, EPA 2011b, Schwartz and Hayward 2007). In 1960, for example, the annual average total particulate matter concentration in both Los Angeles and Pittsburgh was 143 μg/m3 (EPA 1973). By 1986, levels had fallen to 101 μg/m3 in Los Angeles and 55 μg/m3 in Pittsburgh (EPA 1986). Since 2000, average PM2.5 levels have declined by 37 percent.
After decades of improving air quality, are further incremental improvements worthwhile?
Regulating PM2.5: Calculating Costs and Benefits
Rulemakers are not allowed to consider control costs when setting the NAAQS, but federal agencies are required to conduct a cost–benefit analysis for any “economically significant” regulation. Thus, the EPA conducted a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) when it recently changed the PM2.5 standards even though the findings technically had no effect on the standard-setting process.
The RIA assessed the health benefits and control costs of lowering the annual average standard for PM2.5 to 9 μg/m3 and alternatives of 10 or 8 μg/m3. It found that the benefits of reducing PM2.5 to any level dwarf the estimated costs. Both avoided mortality and morbidity were considered, but nearly all benefits (over 98 percent) stemmed from avoided deaths.
The mortality estimates were based on two sources. Wu et al. 2020 implies about 2,100 fewer elderly deaths per year from the new standard, while Pope et al. 2019 estimates 4,500 fewer deaths per year in the entire adult population. Depending on which estimate of avoided mortality is used and the discount rate, the health benefits of changing the standard to 9 μg/m3 were estimated to range from $20 to $46 billion per year (in 2017 dollars).
To estimate the costs, the EPA determined which counties would need to reduce PM2.5 levels and identified “illustrative” control strategies. According to its estimates, the costs of the control strategies would be about $594 million per year. Thus, according to the EPA, the benefits of the new standard are about 70 to 165 times larger than the costs.
Cost and Benefits in Non-Attainment Counties
The projected benefits and costs in the RIA rely on assumptions about counties’ abilities to control PM2.5 emissions. The RIA acknowledges that some counties have historically been unable to achieve previous NAAQS, resulting in their being classified as “non-attainment” areas.
The EPA designates non-attainment status based on a county’s design value (DV), a three-year average of annual PM2.5 concentrations. The RIA forecasts county annual DVs to 2032. In counties with projected levels above 12 μg/m3—those that are still in non-attainment under the previous NAAQS, implemented in 2012—the EPA identified control strategies to reduce PM2.5 concentrations to 12 μg/m3. Of note, the benefits and costs of those reductions were excluded from the RIA’s final estimates. The EPA then determined which counties are projected to have PM2.5 levels above the new 9 μg/m3 standard and assessed available control strategies.
According to the RIA, only a small number of counties will be affected by the lower PM2.5 standard. Out of 3,108 counties in the contiguous United States, only 52 are projected to exceed 9 μg/m3. In the Northeast and Southeast, where counties tend to be smaller, the EPA included emissions reductions in 19 neighboring counties.
The EPA acknowledges that some counties may struggle to meet the new 9 μg/m3 limit. It projects that 25 of the 52 core counties will require reductions beyond the available control strategies. These include Riverside and Plumas counties, CA, where the EPA is unable to identify any strategies for reducing emissions below 12 μg/m3.
As of August 2024, 15 counties were wholly or partially in non-attainment with the 2012 NAAQS, with a combined population of nearly 21 million people. Notably, 13 of those counties have been designated non-attainment areas since the first PM2.5 standard was established in 1997. This pattern has been called “institutionalized non-attainment” (Revesz 2022).
Costs of Non-Attainment Status
Polluting industries in non-attainment areas face strict regulations that increase the cost of building or expanding facilities. Most importantly, major new emissions sources and major modifications to existing sources are required to meet the most stringent emissions limitation under the CAA—what is known as the “lowest achievable emissions rate”—without any consideration of the costs involved (EPA 2024b). Furthermore, any new emissions must be offset by equivalent or greater emissions reductions elsewhere in the county.
These regulations can impose substantial costs on industries. Becker 2005 found that, on average, manufacturing plants with criteria pollutants in nonattainment areas from 1979 to 1987 experienced abatement costs hundreds of thousands of dollars more than plants in attainment areas (in 1987 dollars). In an analysis of ozone nonattainment between 1972 and 1992, Becker and Henderson 2001 found that the average total costs of plants in ozone nonattainment areas are roughly 4–18 percent higher than in attainment areas, depending on the industry and plant age.
Economic research has also determined that the requirements imposed by non-attainment reduce output and employment and ultimately cause industries to change behavior in economically inefficient ways. Becker and Henderson 2000 analyzed plant data from 1963 to 1992 and found that non-attainment with the ozone NAAQS led polluting industries to relocate to less polluted places and to open smaller plants to avoid the more stringent regulations. Because these shifts were toward less productive areas and required industries to operate at less efficient scales, they created welfare losses that, at least partly, undermine any benefit of the air quality regulation.
Similarly, Greenstone 2002 found that in the first 15 years the CAA was in effect (1972 to 1987), counties in non-attainment with four criteria air pollutants (carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, and total suspended particulates) lost about 590,000 jobs, $37 billion in capital stock, and $75 billion in output (both in 1987 dollars).
Greenstone et al. 2012 estimates that, from 1972 to 1993, total factor productivity decreased by 4.8 percent in counties in non-attainment with the same four criteria pollutants, translating to an annual loss of $21 billion (in 2010 dollars). Looking at the labor effects of the 1990 CAA Amendments, Walker 2013 found that workers at newly regulated plants saw their earnings decrease by 20 percent after their counties were designated as non-attainment, amounting to an aggregate loss of $5.4 billion (in 1990 dollars).
While these studies focus on pollutants other than PM2.5, the economic effects of non-attainment are likely to apply to PM2.5 as well. The stringent regulations on polluting industries can lead to higher costs, shifts to less-efficient locations or plant sizes, and losses for both industries and workers. The RIA fails to account for these economic costs.
Recent Trends in PM2.5 Concentration in Permanent Non-Attainment Counties
Although the EPA recognizes that some counties may remain in non-attainment, it still assumes reductions in PM2.5 in 50 of the 52 core counties (excepting Riverside and Plumas). Is this assumption consistent with recent trends?
Since the 2011–2013 DVs—the last period before non-attainment with the 2012 NAAQS was designated—PM2.5 levels in many core counties have remained flat or, in some cases, increased. As shown in Figure 1, concentrations in the 13 permanent non-attainment counties did decrease on average after the 1997 NAAQS, but they have generally remained level in the past decade. Between the 2001–2003 and 2011–2013 periods, in those 13 counties the DV on average decreased by roughly 0.58 μg/m3 per year. However, from 2012–2014 to 2021–2023, the average reduction was only about 0.17 μg/m3 per year.
The difference is partly the result of increases in some counties. For example, in Los Angeles County, CA, where a substantial portion of the estimated benefits of the new NAAQS are concentrated, for 2011–2013 the DV was 12.5 μg/m3 while in 2020–2022 it was 13.4 μg/m3. The county’s 2021–2023 DV of 12.2 μg/m3 marks the first time since the 2012 NAAQS that its PM2.5 concentration dipped below the 2011–2013 level. See Figure 1.