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The Illustrated Supreme Court Review 2023–2024

The Illustrated Supreme Court Review 2023–2024

Learn from constitutional scholars about some of the biggest Supreme Court Cases—with comics!

In this inaugural edition of the Illustrated Supreme Court Review, Cato Institute Constitutional Scholars examine ten of the most impactful cases argued in the 2023–2024 Supreme Court term. Written in a clear and accessible manner with visually stunning graphics, this book illustrates how the Court resolved critical issues – changing the landscape of agency power, online speech, and more.


ISCR - Gonzalez v. Trevino first page
Gonzalez v. Trevino

By James Craven

ISCR - United States v. Rahimi first page
United States v. Rahimi

By Clark Neily

Culley v. Marshall first page
Culley v Marshall

By Laura Bondank-Harmon

SEC v. Jarkesy first page
SEC v. Jarkesy

By Brent Skorup

FBI v. Fikre first page
FBI v. Fikre

By Clark Neily