Play the Green Card Game
he Cato Institute has released the Green Card Game, a free online interactive game where players attempt to go through the legal immigration system. The Green Card Game is a way to introduce people to snippets of Cato’s scholarly research on immigration and will teach about an important area of American law and policy. Try it at www​.the​green​car​dgame​.com.

The 2022 Arms Sales Risk Index
Policy analyst Jordan Cohen and former Cato senior fellow A. Trevor Thrall have published the fifth annual Arms Sales Risk Index to encourage debate and help improve U.S. decisionmaking about arms sales. The Biden administration continues sales to Egypt, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia and fails to prevent dispersion of weapons in Mexico. Read the full analysis on Cato​.org.

Cato’s 2022 Annual Report Available Now
The 2022 Annual Report documents a year of growth and productivity, as well as our exciting plans for the future. The digital Annual Report is available now on Cato​.org and takes you on a virtual and interactive journey through the stories within the publication.