Mackey Joins Board
John Mackey, the visionary entrepreneur who cofounded Whole Foods Market and led the company as its CEO over 44 years of persistent growth, has been elected to the Cato Institute’s Board of Directors. He retired from Whole Foods in 2022.

Under his leadership, Whole Foods was named Number One Most Admired Food and Drug Store Company in the World, and Mackey himself received numerous “CEO of the Year” accolades.

Mackey has often been an outspoken defender of freedom and capitalism. His books include Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, and he created controversy more than once with his criticisms of Obamacare.

Cato’s Immigration Working Continues to Make an Impact
n conversation with Governor Greg Abbott on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper, Tapper cited “an interesting study from the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute, which said Trump’s policies drove migrants to cross illegally and hide, and get away, as opposed to crossing and seeking asylum.” Tapper then showed an image of a 2021 blog post by Cato’s David Bier and quoted the piece: “Border Patrol recorded 41 percent more successful illegal entries in fiscal year 2019 than in 2016.” Bier is widely regarding as a leading expert on immigration, and recently participated in a Wall Street Journal debate on whether the United States should expand the H‑1B visa program.