Walter Williams, RIP
Famed economist and longtime Cato adjunct scholar Walter Williams passed away in early December. Williams was a pioneer in public education and the popularization of free market ideas. His contributions to Cato included the 1989 book South Africa’s War against Capitalism, explaining how the notorious apartheid regime was acutely hostile to the liberating and equalizing forces of markets. A remembrance by David Boaz for Williams and his contributions can be found on the Cato at Liberty blog, along with a link to a full catalog of Williams’s contributions for Cato.

Prized Cotributions
Natalie Dowzicky recently received the Rising Star Award from America’s Future, as part of its Writing Fellows Alumni Awards, for her thoughtful advocacy of liberty as manager of Cato’s Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org. Separately, Dowzicky also won the Atlas Network’s John Blundell Elevator Pitch competition for a 60-second description of her work and organization.

30 under 30
Corey DeAngelis, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute and director of school choice for the Reason Foundation, was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in the education category, with the magazine naming him “one of the nation’s leading authorities on school choice and homeschooling.”