Studies from school choice experiments suggest that school choice can be a powerful engine for parental involvement–choice by its nature engenders a higher level of parental participation than does the current system. Although a universal, customer-driven system has not been tried, sufficient research exists to prove that modified forms of choice–such as charter schools, vouchers, and private scholarship programs–increase parental involvement.
Although most studies of school choice experiments have focused on academic gains to children in choice programs, this study examines the many other benefits that choice programs bring to students. For example, parents of children in school choice programs (1) are more involved with their children’s academic programs; (2) participate more in school activities; (3) believe that their chosen school offers a greater measure of safety, discipline, and instructional quality than did their previous school; (4) are more satisfied with their children’s education in a choice program; and (5) are likely to reenroll their children in the choice program.
The ultimate key to school reform is the parent. Once parents assume the responsibility of advocating for and supporting their children’s education, they will become partners with educators to create the schools their children need. State legislators should seek policies that return control of education to parents through mechanisms like tax cuts and universal tuition tax credits. The adoption of such measures promises to increase parental involvement and bring other important benefits to children.