Cato’s Partners make possible the Institute’s strong defense of liberty, and a growing group of Partners have chosen to be more involved with Cato by creating planned gifts that meet their philanthropic and financial priorities.
Legacy Society Partners have created planned gifts—from bequests, and beneficiary designations for retirement assets, to complex trusts and endowed chairs—that are now more important than ever for growing Cato’s ability to pursue its mission for more free and prosperous societies. Please inform Cato if you’ve created a planned gift to the Institute so we can welcome you into our Legacy Society. This community of Partners receives the same benefits as individuals contributing at least $5,000 annually, which include special event invitations and complimentary access to Cato books, research, and commentary like our monthly audio magazine. And as a Legacy Society Partner you will enjoy the ultimate benefit of denying the government even more of your hard-earned money with a smart planned gift for a cause that matters to you.